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Friday, 21 December 2012

End of world myth or truth

We all hear that end of the world is near is it true or a rumor read on to find out.

One morning I was having my cup of coffee when my mother told me viola you know today the world was to be destroyed

I was astonished to hear that and I was alive!

Friday was supposed to be the day life on Earth will cease to exist. The predicted apocalypse -- which spawned a disaster movie "2012," says Google .

Several scientists are saying that according to mayan culture a culture as old as around 2000 B.C the end of world is near.
Some people thought it was going to be an economic shutdown and some proposed it was nearing to be the end of  world . The proposed day was friday and according to mayan calendar it could have been Sunday

But not even modern-day Mayans calendar proposed the theory of apocalypse. They view the calendar as portending the end of one era and heralding the start of a new one, not the death of all the world's species.

The End of World is even the hot topic for most of the Hollywood movies like
Shortages: "The Hunger Games"
Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence)
Cannibals: "The Road"
Viral pandemic: "12 Monkeys" 

End of world

The people from around the world from India to Malaysia arranged for "Last Party" Ha ha!
But the so called  "Dooms day" have been put aside eloquently by the world. Now the NASA scientists are saying that not in 2012 but  about 400 crores years from now  the civilization will be preserved.

Even American President Obama calls it a dooms day.  But behold none of the rumors were really true at last I think people have got their point in these tough times ahead.

References :
 Google trend 

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